Tuesday, December 05, 2006

savetirumala : Message: Re: [savetirumala] Re: sonia visit to tirumala

savetirumala : Message: Re: [savetirumala] Re: sonia visit to tirumala

Re: [savetirumala] Re: sonia visit to tirumala

Om Namo Bhagavathey Vasudevaya
Only God can answer al ....evn y sonia came there

Lord,when r u coming???????
This world has totally deprived ur devotees of love and affection.Every body wants money.Money has become the order of the day.Therz no value for people.Right from a kid to a 90 yr old man,every1 wants money.
Lord,pls save us from this hell.The world is getting unbearable to live.God,pls land on this earth.The stupid system and its ppl needs to be changed.Plz God,plzzzzzzzzzzz
We're seeing poor ppl not getting treated in hospitals coz they can't pay money.An old woman lies and the road and cries for help at the top of her falling voice for food and treatment and we c all those requests falling on deaf ears.
We c pregnant women being thrown out of hospitals coz they can't pay their dues.No value for poor ppl.
I am Waiting.....All Of us r Waiting....Come Soooon

Anyatha Saranam Nasthi Thvameva Sharanam Mama
Thasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksho Janardhana....

Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Brahmande Nasthi Kinchana
Venkatesha Samo Deva Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyathi!!!!!!!!

Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitaha......
Vasudevarpanamastu.....Edu Kondala Swamy Govinda Govinda

pavan kumar wrote:
TTD should not allow other religions without that registration.The process of getting registered is the good thing.Why the TTD is not following this.When it comes to god,no exception should be given to any one whether it is sonia or YS or even for Pope(Ofcourse he never visits) Rule is a rule n rule for all ..

Ravi Batham wrote:

If what Mr.Sreeram has written is correct (non-hindus signing the register), then we should all pursue TTD to have the register signed no matter who the person is (even if it is Sonia). We should all send emails to the following email address (webmaster@tirumala.org) to force TTD to make any non-hindu visiting Tirumala sign the register. Regarding Sonia's visit to Tirumala, it can have a positive influence and strengthen the belief of uneducated people on Lord Sri Venkateswara in the country, but at the same time I am skeptic that this will give some possibility again for some christians to step into Tirumala. Also we got rid of her in 2 hours in Tirumala, otherwise just imagine how much inconvenience could have been caused to the true devotees if she had gone through a regular Q complex !!!

Also one more thing I observed is that in the www.tiumala.org website the sloka "Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Brahmande Nasti Kinchana Venkatesha Samo Deva Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyathi" has been translated as "There is a wonderful uniqueness associated with Lord Venkateswara, and His abode, Venkatadri." But its previous translation by TTD in 2002 was "There is no place in this entire world equivalent to Venkatadri. A God like Lord Venkateswara, there never was and there never will be". For some unknown reasons (who knows even some christians could have it changed by some indirect influence on TTD) , TTD changed it , which I would say as a less powerful translation. So let us demand TTD to replace this in the website.

Om namo Venkatesaya namaha

venkata sreeram vedagiri wrote:

I am from Tirupati (born /brought-up). As per the tradition of tirumala temple, any non hindus visiting the temple should sign in a register expressing that they believe and have faith in lord venkateswara.

In 1992/93, when Congress govt was in power in AP, sonia visited the temple for the first time. When the then Executive Officer asked her to sign the register she refused and when EO insisted, the then CM transferred him out of the position then and there and Joint EO allowed sonia inside.

Now again when Samuel Rajsekhara Reddy is the CM, she has entered the temple without signing the register. Though she entered the temple through the Q complex, the Q was stopped for 2 hrs.


----- Original Message ----
From: Ram
To: savetirumala@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:40:43 AM
Subject: Re: [savetirumala] Re: sonia visit to tirumala

You are right, sonia should have gone in a q like all other devoties....

hope lord gives them gyan of this...

sowmya_nraju wrote:
--- In savetirumala@ yahoogroups. com, "kamalarangan"
> pl debate on sonia visit to tirupathi templwe
I think non-hindus must not be allowed to visit Tirumala...n sonia is
a non-hindu,it was her way to attract hindus to votebank i feel,there
is a political cunning cruked mind working behind such events...whn
real devotees who strive 2 cum 2 tirumala with true luv 2 see
Venkateshwara Swamy r made 2 wait n pushed off before seeing him
peacefully.. .if she was true thn she too would hv gone in the q like
others..but she din't..pls Venkateshwara swamy open our minds to awake
bfore evrythng is OVEEEEEEEEEEEER. ..

Venkateshwara Swamy govinda govinda....

Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Brahmande Nasti Kinchana
Venkatesha Samo Deva Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyathi

Yedukondala Vada Venkataramana Govinda Govinda


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